Only two years ago, in the fall of 2007, two teams of researchers reported the reprogramming an adult human cell back to an original state of pluripotency successfully. These reprogrammed cells one - called a cell (cell iPS) - induced pluripotent mother has the ability to differentiate into any cell type. iPS cells have the ability to become specialized cells as the islets from the pancreas to produce insulin, the intestinal lining cells that produce digestive enzymes, kidney cells, heart cells, nerve cells, cells of the skin and muscle, ligament, cartilage and bone cells cells. Under the conditions appropriate iPS cells could produce specific cells, tissues and organs for use in the treatment of the disease and transplantation.
Reprogramming adult cells opens new fields of medical research. If iPS cells are found to be similar to embryonic stem cells (CME), the possibility of rescheduling significantly impact the controversy surrounding the investigation of the ESC. Reprogramming using adult cells instead of the ETUC and much of the regenerative medicine may be able to be carried out without the need of the destruction of embryos.
The two teams, led by Kyoto University in Japan and the Dr. James Thomson of the University of Wisconsin, Dr. Shinya Yamanaka used similar methods to reprogram adult human skin cells. Years of research led to the identification of several specific genes that would cause a cell to a pluripotent State. Dr. Yamanaka worked initially with a set of 24 genes, trying to identify the most effective candidates. The research led to the selection of a group of four genes Sox2, c-Myc, Oct-4, and Klf4. These genes were inserted in the particles of the virus and the virus was used for transfectar adult skin cells. The activation of these genes in the adult skin cells leads to the expression of specific transcription factors. These proteins trigger other genes into the skin cause cell to the cell to a pluripotent State.
The advance was front page in The New York Times News, but many aspects of the necessary procedure for revised and refined. The use of a virus to enter the transformation genes is problematic. viral genetic material is transfectadas and may have many unexpected results such as causing the cell to become cancerous. The viral RNA or DNA would become a permanent part of the cell line - all cells, tissues or organs resulting from original iPS cells contain viral genetic information. Malware delivery systems on a large scale would be for the transformation of the human genetic heritage with unforeseen and disastrous consequences, probably.
Research has been ongoing since 2007 to derive the non-viral gene transformation input methods. Dr. Rudolf Jaenisch of the Whitehead Institute for biomedical research in Cambridge, MA, leads one of the teams working throughout the world to address these challenges. His team recently identified a small molecule protein that is able to replace Klf4, one of the genes used to reprogram adult cells. If all genes can be substituted with success for small molecules, a malware delivery system would not be necessary. This evolution fully launched the field of regenerative medicine.
Drug - Generic vs. generics identification mark these comments are made with the end of the discussion and it should not be used as recommendations in favour or against other treatments and therapies. An individual patient is always advisable to consult your health care provider.
Identification of generic drugs for Lopressor question: my father asked me to help the identification of a medicinal product for him. He usually has a generic Lopressor. I believe that changed your pharmacy generic it and he has a pill is not secure. It is a round without score pill with GG 264 stamped on it. Can you help me identify this medication?
Answer: The generic name is Lopressor metoprolol. You can find out whether your pharmacy has changed by manufacturers code. His previous medication are the same or a different code? Each pickup has a different code. I have no pharmacy index, but is a simple comparison House.
Brand name generics question: what recommendations would you on generic vs. brand name medications for patients?
Answer: in general, do not have many reservations about generics. I prefer pharmacies not change companies of generics in repeated occasions since most drugs can be adjusted independently of its biological activity. I have had some patients that appear to be in a better position in the name brand instead of generic medicines. This has happened with 5-10 times in the last 10 years. I would recommend that you know the name of the society that your medication and be alert if pharmaceutical switches for any change in symptoms.